The COVID grocery assistance program helps veterans sheltering in place during this pandemic. We deliver food and essentials to veterans either with COVID, on quarantine for COVID or are in high-risk groups that cannot be out in the public shopping for groceries. These basic necessities are given to the veterans and families at no cost to them via contactless delivery. We support both temporary and continuous grocery support needs.
Sweats for vets is a program that partners with the Palo Alto VA to help veterans in need of warm clothing get what they need. We supply pairs of new sweats to homeless and low & fixed income veterans that can’t afford new clothing. Many veterans live off of fixed incomes of less than $1000 a month and cannot afford new clothing. We make sure veterans have the clothing they need to stay warm during the cold winter months.
The SFVA Blue Santa program is a very special program for us. On Christmas Eve all of the veterans at San Francisco VA are hand delivered a stocking full of gifts to remind them that no veteran is ever left behind or forgotten. CVC helps coordinate getting the stockings and helping to distribute them in the hospital to the veterans.
Having a service dog or emotional support dog can be a large responsibility both physically and financially. Many veterans rely on their dogs for constant support. We help when veterans are hospitalized or receiving medical care find a safe place for their dog at no cost to them. We have also assisted with fostering puppies in training to become a service dog.